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Helping Loby gain back his health has been a heartwarming experience. 

Loby is an older dog, and as most of them he is calm and loving. Despite the hip pain (that we are 99% sure he has) he still manages to gently jump on me as he greets me with entusiasm when I see him in the mornings. 


He loves to just lay beside me while im at the clinic working on my computer. He does enjoy the ocational stroll around the clinic grounds, and is always curious and ready to say hi when a new person or dog comes in. 

We are sure that he did not received enough loving attention for many years, so it mesmerizes him when we have our loving petting sessions where we put forhead with forhead and I pet him in all his body and kiss him lots in the face.... he just loves it. 


Loby was severly neglected by his previous family. When he was finally taken from them, he had a bladder stone of 7.5 cm long. He showed signs of extreme pain and incontinence since at least 6 months before we got to him. His incontinence was severe and it burned his white coat. His smell was very strong. His body was arched all the time and just moving around was so painful to him. Of course he was fully covered in ticks and dirty. It was heartbreaking to watch him slowly move from one spot to another and then freeze while painfully peeing. 

Loby had bladder surgery on July 14th, 2024... since then his recovery has been impressive. Is just impressive how dogs endure and overcome the harsdships that humans put on them. 

His bladder pain slowly disapeared as well as his incontinence! Little by little we started seing a more active Loby... until we saw him RUNNING!!!!!! He was at the back of the yard and saw me come in to the clinic and he ran to me, in a very gentle pace, as an old but very happy dog. 


He started going on walks, and after spotting a limp  we found out his femur is not in good shape, and it is most likley painfull for him. Rightnow he is on permanent medication with chondroprotectors (Petflex, $25 US monthly), special urinary food (Hills $75 US monthly) and  a very low dose of gabapentine ($10 US month), and he is thriving. 

This is a loving dog who is honeslty oblivious to his health situation. Afer the extreme neglect he endured he is now living in paradise, enjoying life at the fullest. 

It would be a dream come true to him (and to us) to find a loving person or family that would make him part of the family for his last years. 

Love is 9 or 10 years old and all he wants is to be cool, chill and loved. He is AMAZING with cats, great with other dogs, not tested with kids (but we suspect no problem, although no ideal for an older pup to permanently live with small children). 

The only time we see him bark is when is dark and people run outside of the clinic making a lot of noise and vibrations, and to the trash truck. 

His hearing is not the best either. He is not fully deaf, but might not hear you calling him. 

To finish... Loby is a great dog, that despite his health concerns and his old age, still deserves to be a in a loving home, being part of a loving family. 

If he is adopted locally, Kan Cozumel will cover 50% of Loby's expenses related to his age, bladder and bones <3 




😁  Temperament: Friendly & Calm.

💃  Energy: Very low. 

👧  Children Friends: Not tested yet. 

🐶  Dog Friends: Yes!

🐱  Cat friends: Yes!

🥘  Resource guarding: Only with his food bowl.

📣  Bark/noisy: No.

🏡  Housebroken: Yes.

🛋  Shedder: Yes. 

📦  Crate trained: Good

⛓ Leash etiquette: Great. 

🚙 Good in car: Not tested, 


If you think that you want Loby in your life please fill out the application and send us a message on social media or to our email

English application:
Spanish application:


If you want to support Loby and our work, we kindly accept donations to cover his food and monthly expenses until he is adopted. 


Thank you!


Received treatment for: + Bladder Stone + Erlichia + Hip pain




  • Sep 2015 / 9 years 

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