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Who are we?

We are a group of volunteers focused on reducing the overpopulation of dogs & cats in Cozumel Island through the CNVR (Capture, Neuter, Vaccinate & Return) method and offering free sterilization to people's pets.

CNVR method

Once a week we go to the streets and we capture around 10 dogs and cats. We bring them to the clinic, dogs receive a bath, and then both dogs and cats get spayed or neutered. During the recovery from anestesia we provide our patients basic care treatments and procedures like nail clipping, ears and wounds cleaning, tick & flee preventives and vaccination for the main diseases including distemper and parvovirus.


After one or two nights of recovery, most animals are returned to the exact place of capture, others are returned to their owners.

With your support and donations we will gradually increase the frecuency of the captures and the ammount of animals serviced in each of them.


make the

Why we do CNVR?

The overpopulation of dogs and cats is a major problem in the island. The population today is too big to be properly managed by the government or any other institution by itself. And the population keeps growing every year creating all sorts of issues to the animals themselves but also to the human community and the natural ecosystems. 

By focusing on neutering the roaming animals we are making sure to spay and neuter the animals that have the higher risk of reproducing and having their offspring in the streets, continuing the cycle of overpopulation. We are convinced that this method will allow us to drastically reduce the growth of the population and the problems it creates.

CNVR is not the only solution to dog/cat overpopulation, but its an important part of the overall strategy. 

The goal is to achieve
dog & cat population balance

All our work is funded entirely by voluntary donations from generous and passionate individuals like you who are convinced that through team work and compassion we can solve dog and cat overpopulation and the problems it brings to dogs, cats and our entire community. We thank you for your support.

you KAN make it possible

Since June 2020

Other programs

Our work is on the streets and with a lot of contact with our community. Is impossible to ignore that help is needed aside from TNVR. Whenever we can, we help injured dogs/cats and get them adopted, we promote health and good ownership practices among our neighbors and offer financial support with veterinary bills whenever we can. 

Contact us

Cozumel, Quintana Roo, México


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